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EMS Online is a continuing education resource that offers online, interactive courses and content for emergency medical service professionals.

Based in the community recognized for providing the most effective EMS care in the nation, EMS Online strives to provide the very best training based on the latest data and research. EMS Online courses are reviewed and approved by Thomas Rea, MD (Medical Director for King County), Peter Kudenchuk, MD (Medical Director for King County Medic One), Michael Sayre, MD (Medical Director for the Seattle Fire Department), Eric Timm, BSN RN (Director of Paramedic Training at Harborview Medical Center), and Mickey Eisenberg, MD (Director of Medical QI, King County Emergence Medical Services), all leading experts in the field of emergency services. EMS Online is a partnership and collaborative effort of King County EMS, Seattle Medic One, Seattle Fire Department , University of Washington School of Medicine, Harborview Medical Center and Medic One Foundation.